Lumen (lat. Light) & Aera (Lat. Period of Time)


Luméra is part of a movement. It’s a part of a new period of time within the fashion industry. We call this time the era of light. An era where sustainability will be normal, local production will grow, people will treat each other with kindness and garments will be seen as a treasured possession again. To support this movement is our main purpose and why we started this online platform in 2021.

We will introduce you to all kinds of people and topics of slow fashion. This will include many young talents who change the industry with their work and ideas. Our main focus is finding and interviewing small brands that are both sustainable and yet creative, and as soon as our online store launches you can shop a selection of their garments with us! The Future Institute in Hamburg defines a new economy of purpose as a part of the mega trend Neo-Ecology. We as customers want to know the stories behind the brands whose garments we buy, we want to support people with a good mission! Within Luméra we go on a treasure hunt to find these small brands and we will tell you their stories!

We will also interview other actors of the industry, such as models who want to be an authentic example for young people, handcraft talents who made a career out of a hobby, trend forecaster with a positive vision for fashion’s future or stylists that focus on sustainability.

Enjoy discovering the Luméra universe and join us on the movement towards a slow fashion future!