What is Slow Fashion

In a Nutshell

Slow fashion is consuming fashion in a mindful way - which means choosing well-made pieces that are stylish throughout any season or year that will stand the test of time. It is about having a wardrobe that is all about quality over quantity. Slow fashion garments are made from high quality, natural fabrics produced in safe working conditions. Slow fashion is made to last, it is the complete opposite of fast fashion.

3 Ways to Shop Slow Fashion

Here are 3 easy ways to create your slow fashion wardrobe - purchase from sustainable brands, buy secondhand or vintage items, and use rental fashion. A big part of the slow fashion movement is loving the items you already own - rewear them, repair them or even up-cycle them!

Sustainable Brands

Vintage & Secondhand

Rental Fashion


Fast fashion follows trends whilst slow fashion focuses on timeless pieces that you will wear over and over again. Fast fashion has a ‘throwaway’ mindset with garments that are not well made which will often be discarded after only a couple uses, whilst slow fashion will have well made garments from high quality materials that will bring you joy year after year. Fast fashion will often be made in places such as Bangladesh and China where there are little to no rights for their workers, whereas with slow fashion is made locally and by workers in fair working conditions with fair pay.

Made to last
High quality
Good working conditions & pay
Original design ideas
Crafted by artisans
Often made locally
Fair labor
Mostly natural materials
High-quality finishings
Supply chain transparency
Garment take-back programs and repairs
Avoids toxic chemicals
Minimimal enviromental impact

Disposable fashion
Latest trends
Low quality
Unsafe working conditions & underpaid
Copies design ideas
Production in sweatshops
Often made in third world countries
Forced labor
Mostly synthetic materials
Cheap finishings
No transparency
Garments end up in Global South landfills
Uses toxic chemicals
Pollutes environment

When you hear the term sustainable fashion, you might think of an all beige linen look in a saggy cut. It can give the connotation of limitation and restriction when it comes to dressing fashionably and showing one’s personal style. We’re on a mission to show that this idea couldn’t be further from the truth! Slow fashion can be super chic and elevated. We want to show you ways to dress sustainably and stylish at the same time! Discover elegant slow fashion outfits in our styling section where we collaborate on editorials with with outstanding photographers from around the world.



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